Full Record

The international law of human rights / Adam McBeth, Justine Nolan, Simon Rice.
Record no.:
South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia :: Oxford University Press,
xlix, 662 pages ; 25 cm.
Nagle Library copy ex dono Adrian Diethelm, Rector. Includes bibliographical references and index.
9780195568806 019556880X;
Pt. 1 INTRODUCING HUMAN RIGHTS -- 1.The International Bill of Human Rights -- 1.1.Introduction -- 1.2.Background to the Universal Declaration -- 1.2.1.From the First to the Second World War -- 1.2.2.The Charter of the United Nations -- 1.2.3.The International
Military Tribunal at Nuremberg -- 1.3.The Universal Declaration of Human Rights -- 1.3.1.Drafting by the UN Commission on Human Rights -- 1.3.2.The Final Draft of the UDHR -- 1.4.The International Covenants -- 1.4.1.The Debate over Categorising Rights -- 1.4.2.Drafting the International Covenants -- 1.4.3.Justiciability -- 1.5.Changing Approaches to International Human Rights -- 1.5.1.Post-Colonialism and the Influence of Newly Independent States -- 1.5.2.Emergence of Human Rights as a Mainstream Legal, Social and Political Issue -- 2.Earlier Conceptions of `Human Rights' -- 2.1.Introduction -- 2.2.Individual Rights -- 2.2.1.Natural Law (Not Natural Rights) -- 2.2.2.Natural Rights -- Contents note continued: 2.2.3.Similar Traditions -- 2.2.4.Natural Rights in Politics -- 2.2.5.The Decline of Natural Rights -- 2.2.6.The Significance of Natural Rights to the UDHR -- 2.2.7.Common Law Rights -- 2.3.Social Rights -- 2.3.1.Private Property and Marxism -- 2.3.2.The Russian Revolution -- 2.3.3.Western Socialism -- 2.4.Dignity and Universality -- 2.4.1.Dignity -- 2.4.2.Universality -- 2.5.Future Challenges for the Idea of Human Rights -- pt. 2 THE SUBSTANTIVE RIGHTS -- 3.Civil and Political Rights -- 3.1.Introduction -- 3.2.The Substantive Rights -- 3.2.1.The Right to Self-Determination: Article 1 -- 3.2.2.The Right to Life: Article 6 -- 3.2.3.Freedom from Torture and Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment: Article 7 -- 3.2.4.Freedom from Slavery and Compulsory Labour: Article 8 -- 3.2.5.Freedom from Arbitrary Arrest and Detention: Article 9 -- 3.2.6.Right to Humane Treatment in Detention: Article 10 -- Contents note continued: 3.2.7.Freedom from Imprisonment for Debt: Article 11 -- 3.2.8.Freedom of Movement: Article 12 -- 3.2.9.Procedural Rights of Aliens: Article 13 -- 3.2.10.Right to a Fair Trial and Related Rights in the Judicial System: Article 14 -- 3.2.11.Prohibition on Retrospective Criminal Laws: Article 15 -- 3.2.12.Right to Personal Standing Before the Law: Article 16 -- 3.2.13.Right to Privacy: Article 17 -- 3.2.14.Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion: Article 18 -- 3.2.15.Freedom of Opinion and Expression: Article 19 -- 3.2.16.Prohibition on Propaganda for War and Advocacy of National, Racial or Religious Hatred: Article 20 -- 3.2.17.Freedom of Assembly: Article 21 -- 3.2.18.Freedom of Association: Article 22 -- 3.2.19.Freedom to Marry and Found a Family and Protection of the Family: Article 23 -- 3.2.20.Protection of Children: Article 24 -- 3.2.21.Right to Political Participation: Article 25 -- 3.2.22.Freedom from Discrimination: Article 26 -- Contents note continued: 3.2.23.Minority Rights: Article 27 -- 3.3.Nature of Obligations Under the ICCPR -- 3.3.1.Immediate Nature of Obligations -- 3.3.2.Duties to Respect, Protect and Ensure Human Rights -- 3.3.3.Limitations and Derogations -- 3.4.Optional Protocols -- 3.5.Case Study: The Right to Life -- 3.5.1.Text of Article 6 of the ICCPR -- 3.5.2.Scope of Prohibition: Arbitrary Deprivation of Life -- 3.5.3.State Killing -- 3.5.4.Capital Punishment -- 3.5.5.Abortion and Euthanasia -- 3.5.6.Socio-Economic and Environmental Issues -- 3.5.7.Concluding Remarks on the Right to Life -- 3.6.Conclusion and Issues -- 4.Economic, Social and Cultural Rights -- 4.1.Introduction -- 4.1.1.From Theory to Practice -- 4.1.2.The US and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights -- 4.2.The Substantive Rights -- 4.2.1.Overview of ICESCR -- 4.2.2.The Rights to Equality and Non-Discrimination: Articles 2 and 3 -- 4.2.3.The Right to Work: Articles 6, 7 and 8 -- Contents note continued: 4.2.4.The Right to Social Security: Article 9 -- 4.2.5.The Right to Protection and Assistance for the Family and the Prohibition of Child Labour: Article 10 -- 4.2.6.The Right to an Adequate Standard of Living: Article 11 -- 4.2.7.The Right to Health: Article 12 -- 4.2.8.The Right to Education: Articles 13 and 14 -- 4.2.9.The Right to Take Part in Cultural Life: Article 15 -- 4.3.Nature of Obligations -- 4.3.1.Tripartite Typology of Obligations -- 4.3.2.Obligation `To Take Steps ... By All Appropriate Means' -- 4.3.3.Progressive Realisation -- 4.3.4.Maximum of Available Resources -- 4.3.5.Minimum Core Obligations -- 4.3.6.Limitations to and Derogations from the ICESCR -- 4.4.Optional Protocol -- 4.4.1.Jurisdictional Limits Imposed on Complainants -- 4.5.Transforming Rights Into Reality: Domestic Adjudication of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights -- 4.5.1.South Africa -- 4.5.2.India -- 4.6.Case Study: The Right to Water -- Contents note continued: 4.6.1.Is There a Human Right to Water? -- 4.6.2.Determining the Scope and Content of the Right to Water -- 4.6.3.Privatising Water Services -- 4.7.Conclusion and Issues -- pt. 3 THE INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS FRAMEWORK -- 5.The Framework of the United Nations System -- 5.1.Introduction -- 5.1.1.UN Structure -- 5.1.2.UN Membership -- 5.2.General Assembly -- 5.2.1.Overview -- 5.2.2.Human Rights -- 5.3.Security Council -- 5.3.1.Overview -- 5.3.2.Action v Inaction: The Perennial Dilemma -- 5.4.Secretariat -- 5.5.The International Court of Justice -- 5.6.Economic and Social Council -- 5.7.Human Rights Council -- 5.8.Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights -- 5.9.Commission on the Status of Women -- 5.10.Treaty Bodies -- 5.11.Conclusion and Issues -- 6.The Human Rights Council -- 6.1.The UN Commission on Human Rights -- 6.1.1.Inquiries into Gross and Systematic Human Rights Abuses -- Contents note continued: 6.1.2.Subcommission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights -- 6.1.3.Special Procedures -- 6.1.4.Inaction in the Face of Atrocities -- 6.1.5.Politicisation of the Commission and Calls for Reform -- 6.2.The Human Rights Council -- 6.2.1.Structure of the Human Rights Council: Depoliticisation? -- 6.2.2.Election to the Human Rights Council -- 6.2.3.Universality and Non-Selectivity -- 6.3.Sessions of the Human Rights Council -- 6.3.1.The First Session: June 2006 -- 6.3.2.Conduct of a Council Session -- 6.3.3.Special Sessions -- 6.4.Advisory Committee -- 6.5.Special Procedures -- 6.6.Complaint Procedure -- 6.7.Universal Periodic Review -- 6.7.1.Basis of the UPR -- 6.7.2.UPR Process -- 6.7.3.Outcomes of the UPR -- 6.7.4.Value of the UPR -- 6.8.NGO Participation -- 6.9.Conclusion and Issues -- 7.The Human Rights Treaty System -- 7.1.Introduction -- 7.2.International Treaty Practice -- 7.2.1.Declarations -- 7.2.2.Covenants, Conventions and `Treaties' -- Contents note continued: 7.2.3.Ratification, Accession, Acceptance and Succession -- 7.2.4.Reservations, Declarations and Understandings -- 7.2.5.Denunciation and Derogation -- 7.2.6.State Obligations to Give Effect to a Human Rights Treaty -- 7.2.7.Giving Effect to a Treaty in a Dualist System -- 7.3.The `Core' Human Rights Treaties -- 7.3.1.Optional Protocols -- 7.3.2.States Parties to the Core Human Rights Treaties -- 7.3.3.Overlap Among Treaties -- 7.3.4.International Bill of Rights -- 7.3.5.ICESCR: Economic, Social and Cultural Rights -- 7.3.6.ICCPR: Civil and Political Rights -- 7.3.7.ICERD: Racial Discrimination -- 7.3.8.CEDAW: Discrimination Against Women -- 7.3.9.CAT: Protection Against Torture -- 7.3.10.CROC: Children's Rights -- 7.3.11.ICRMW: Rights of Migrant Workers -- 7.3.12.CRPD: Rights of People with Disabilities -- 7.3.13.ICPED: Protection from Enforced Disappearance -- 7.4.The Treaty Bodies -- 7.4.1.Treaty Bodies' Purpose -- 7.4.2.Membership -- Contents note continued: 7.4.3.Procedures -- 7.4.4.State Reports -- 7.4.5.General Comments and Recommendations -- 7.4.6.State-to-State Communications -- 7.4.7.Individual Communications -- 7.4.8.Treaty Body Reform -- 7.5.Conclusion and Issues -- 8.Regional Mechanisms -- 8.1.Overview of Regional Systems -- 8.2.Europe -- 8.2.1.The Council of Europe -- 8.2.2.The Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms -- 8.2.3.The European Court of Human Rights -- 8.2.4.The European Social Charter -- 8.3.The Americas -- 8.3.1.The Organization of American States -- 8.3.2.The American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man -- 8.3.3.The American Convention on Human Rights -- 8.3.4.The Inter-American Commission of Human Rights -- 8.3.5.The Inter-American Court of Human Rights -- 8.3.6.The Legacy of Military Dictatorships -- 8.4.Africa -- 8.4.1.The African Union -- 8.4.2.The African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights -- Contents note continued: 8.4.3.The Children's Charter and the Women's Protocol -- 8.4.4.The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights -- 8.4.5.The African Commission Complaints Procedures -- 8.4.6.Periodic State Reporting to the African Commission -- 8.4.7.The African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights -- 8.5.The Arab Region -- 8.5.1.The Arab Charter on Human Rights -- 8.5.2.The Arab Human Rights Committee -- 8.6.The Asia-Pacific Region -- 8.6.1.The Asian Reluctance About Rights? -- 8.6.2.ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) -- 8.7.Conclusion and issues -- 9.The Role of Non-Government Organisations (NGOS) -- 9.1.Introduction -- 9.2.The Idea of an NGO -- 9.2.1.Defining an NGO -- 9.2.2.IGOs, NHRIs and CSOs -- 9.2.3.A Brief History of NGOs -- 9.2.4.NGOs' Functions and Activities -- 9.3.NGOs at the UN -- 9.3.1.Article 71 of the UN Charter -- 9.3.2.NGO Consultative Status Under ECOSOC -- 9.3.3.UN Observer Status -- 9.3.4.NGO Relations with the UN -- Contents note continued: 9.4.NGOs and Nation States -- 9.4.1.Criticisms -- 9.4.2.Silencing NGOs -- 9.4.3.NGO-State Relations in Australia -- 9.5.Conclusion and Issues -- pt. 4 AUSTRALIA -- 10.Implementation of International Human Rights Law in Australia -- 10.1.Introduction -- 10.2.Treaty Ratification in Australia -- 10.2.1.Constitutional Power -- 10.2.2.Parliamentary Process -- 10.2.3.Human Right Treaties Binding on Australia -- 10.2.4.Australia's Declarations and Reservations -- 10.3.Australia's Human Rights Laws -- 10.3.1.Constitutional `Rights' -- 10.3.2.A `Legitimate Expectation' of Human Rights Conformity -- 10.3.3.Federal Legislation -- 10.3.4.State and Territory Human Rights Laws -- 10.3.5.Anti-Discrimination Laws -- 10.4.Australian Human Rights Mechanisms -- 10.4.1.National Action Plan -- 10.4.2.Australian Human Rights Commission -- 10.4.3.Other Federal Human Rights Agencies -- 10.4.4.State and Territory Human Rights Agencies -- 10.4.5.Legislation Scrutiny Committees -- Contents note continued: 10.4.6.Statutory Interpretation by the Courts -- 10.4.7.Common law Development by the Courts -- 10.5.Australia's Performance Under Its Human Rights Treaty Obligations -- 10.5.1.Universal Periodic Review -- 10.5.2.Human Rights Treaty Reporting -- 10.5.3.Visits under Thematic Mandates -- 10.5.4.Treaty Body Communications -- 10.5.5.Australia's Challenge to the International Human Rights System -- 10.6.Conclusion and Issues -- pt. 5 HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES -- 11.Accountability For Gross Human Rights Abuses -- 11.1.International Humanitarian Law -- 11.1.1.Development of International Humanitarian Law -- 11.1.2.Application of International Human Rights Law in Times of Armed Conflict -- 11.2.Criminal Law as a Human Rights Enforcement Tool -- 11.2.1.The Nature of International Criminal Law -- 11.2.2.The Main Categories of International Crimes -- 11.2.3.International Criminal Law as Catharsis -- 11.3.Nuremberg and Tokyo Tribunals -- 11.3.1.Nuremberg -- 11.3.2.Tokyo -- Contents note continued: 11.4.Ad Hoc Criminal Tribunals -- 11.4.1.The Former Yugoslavia -- 11.4.2.Rwanda -- 11.4.3.Hybrid Courts and Tribunals -- 11.5.International Criminal Court -- 11.6.Conclusion and Issues -- pt. 6 VULNERABLE PEOPLE -- 12.Children -- 12.1.Introduction -- 12.2.International Legal Framework: From the Declaration to the Convention -- 12.2.1.Declaration of Geneva -- 12.2.2.Declaration of the Rights of the Child -- 12.2.3.Convention on the Rights of the Child -- 12.2.4.Optional Protocols -- 12.2.5.State Responses to the CROC: Focus on the United States -- 12.2.6.Other Instruments and Developments -- 12.3.Committee on the Rights of the Child -- 12.3.1.Mandate and Reporting Procedures -- 12.3.2.New Draft Communications Procedure -- 12.4.Case Study: Children and Armed Conflict -- 12.4.1.Overview -- 12.4.2.Legal Framework -- 12.4.3.Accountability -- 12.5.Conclusion and Issues -- 13.Indigenous Peoples -- 13.1.Introduction -- 13.1.1.The Place of Indigenous Peoples -- Contents note continued: 13.1.2.Race Theory -- 13.2.The International Framework -- 13.2.1.Recent History -- 13.2.2.Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples -- 13.2.3.Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination -- 13.2.4.Special Rapporteur -- 13.2.5.Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples -- 13.2.6.United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues -- 13.2.7.United Nations Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations -- 13.2.8.International Decades of the World's Indigenous People -- 13.2.9.Regional Mechanisms -- 13.3.Current Issues -- 13.3.1.Self-Determination -- 13.3.2.Right to Culture -- 13.3.3.Customary Law -- 13.4.Conclusion and Issues -- 14.People With Disabilities -- 14.1.Introduction -- 14.1.1.The Idea of Disability -- 14.2.The International Framework -- 14.2.1.Towards a Treaty -- 14.2.2.The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities -- 14.3.The United Nations and Disability -- 14.3.1.Regional Activity -- Contents note continued: 14.4.Domestic Laws -- 14.5.Case Study: The Right to Life -- 14.5.1.The Case of Jason Dawes -- 14.5.2.The Case of Matthew Sutton -- 14.6.Conclusion And Issues -- 15.Refugees -- 15.1.Introduction -- 15.2.The Idea of a `Refugee' -- 15.2.1.Refugees are not `Illegal' -- 15.3.International Arrangements for Refugees -- 15.3.1.The Refugee Convention and Protocol -- 15.3.2.The United Nations High Commission for Refugees -- 15.3.3.Arrangements for Refugees in Regional Instruments -- 15.4.The Idea of `Asylum' -- 15.4.1.The Reluctance of States -- 15.4.2.`Safe Third Country' -- 15.4.3.No `Right of Entry' -- 15.4.4.Non-Refoulement -- 15.5.Applying for Asylum -- 15.5.1.Proving a Claim -- 15.5.2.A `Well-Founded Fear' -- 15.5.3.A Fear of `Persecution' -- 15.5.4.The Grounds of Persecution -- 15.5.5.Grounds Arising After Fleeing---a Refugee `Sur Place' -- 15.5.6.`Extra territorial Processing' -- 15.5.7.Losing Refugee Status -- 15.6.The Lawfulness of Detention -- Contents note continued: 15.7.The Human Rights of Refugees -- 15.7.1.Arbitrary Detention and Torture -- 15.7.2.Conditions of Detention -- 15.8.Protecting People Who are not `Refugees' -- 15.8.1.`Economic' Refugees -- 15.8.2.`Environmental' or `Climate' Refugees -- 15.8.3.Internally Displaced Persons -- 15.8.4.The UNHCR Mandate -- 15.8.5.Complementary Protection -- 15.8.6.Non-Refoulement -- 15.9.Conclusion and Issues -- 16.Women -- 16.1.Introduction -- 16.2.A Feminist Framework -- 16.2.1.Four Stages of Feminism -- 16.3.UN Bodies -- 16.3.1.Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) -- 16.3.2.`UN Women' -- 16.4.Women's Rights Under Human Rights Treaties -- 16.4.1.Economic, Social and Cultural Rights -- 16.5.CEDAW -- 16.5.1.The CEDAW Committee -- 16.5.2.The Provisions of CEDAW -- 16.5.3.Reservations to CEDAW -- 16.5.4.Women's Human Rights? -- 16.5.5.Into the Private Sphere -- 16.5.6.CEDAW's Effect on States' Behaviour -- 16.5.7.Individual Communications Under CEDAW -- Contents note continued: 16.6.The International Women's Conferences -- 16.7.Conclusion and Issues -- 17.Workers -- 17.1.Introduction -- 17.2.The International Labour Organisation -- 17.2.1.Formation and goals -- 17.2.2.ILO's Structure -- 17.2.3.ILO Standards -- 17.2.4.Monitoring Compliance with ILO Standards -- 17.3.Effectiveness of the ILO -- 17.4.Conclusion and Issues -- pt. 7 CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAW -- 18.Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism and The Impact on Human Rights -- 18.1.Introduction -- 18.2.Defining Terrorism -- 18.2.1.Drafting an International Law Definition -- 18.2.2.International Conventions and Protocols on Terrorism -- 18.2.3.Draft Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism -- 18.2.4.UN Security Council Resolution 1373 -- 18.2.5.UN Security Council Resolution 1566 -- 18.3.Case Study: Drafting a Definition of Terrorism in Australian Law -- 18.3.1.A `Terrorist Act' -- 18.3.2.Case Law in Australia -- Contents note continued: 18.4.Human Rights and (Counter) Terrorism -- 18.4.1.Setting the Context: Rights and Security -- 18.4.2.The Flexibility of International Human Rights Law -- 18.4.3.Impact on Rights -- 18.5.Conclusion and Issues -- 19.Transnational Corporations And Human Rights -- 19.1.Introduction -- 19.2.The Role of Corporations in Society -- 19.3.Contemporary Developments: Appointment of the UN Special Representative for Business and Human Rights -- 19.4.Sources of Corporate Responsibilities and Standards for Human Rights -- 19.4.1.Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Corporations -- 19.4.2.Human Rights Treaties and Corporations -- 19.4.3.The Development of Soft Law -- 19.5.Human Rights Enforcement Through Litigation in Tort -- 19.5.1.The US approach: The Alien Tort Claims Act -- 19.5.2.Other Tort-Based Approaches For Enforcing Human Rights -- 19.6.Human Rights Enforcement Through International Criminal Proceedings -- 19.7.Conclusion and Issues -- Contents note continued: 20.The Expanding Scope of International Human Rights Law -- 20.1.Introduction -- 20.2.Expanding Jurisdiction: Extra-territorial Obligations -- 20.2.1.Responsibility for State Actions Outside Territory -- 20.2.2.Responsibility to Provide Aid and Assistance -- 20.2.3.Conclusions on Extra-territoriality -- 20.3.Expanding Mandate: The Responsibility to Protect -- 20.3.1.Humanitarian Intervention -- 20.3.2.Emergence of the Responsibility to Protect -- 20.3.3.Conclusions on the Responsibility to Protect -- 20.4.Expanding Coverage: Application to Non-State Actors -- 20.4.1.The Traditional Approach -- 20.4.2.Corporations -- 20.4.3.International Institutions -- 20.4.4.Armed Groups and Individuals -- 20.4.5.Conclusions on Non-State Actors.

The International Law of Human Rights provides a comprehensive overview of the concepts and theories of human rights, the institutions, instruments and implementation structures for protecting human rights, and the contemporary challenges of human rights law. Author commentary and examples illuminate a range of primary and secondary materials to rigorously cover the breadth of human rights law in a way that is interesting and engaging for all readers.
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